November 2nd, 2023
She touches my chin, “My sweet child, you came to me this time. Good. I am always available when you seek guidance; available to all. You shall talk about me this week.” I was scheduled to give a talk at a holistic festival. “Spreading the message is important as you know. Feel my spirit around you.
"Yes, war had again erupted (Israel and Gaza). It may not have been able to be stopped. None of it may stop. Man is so angry. Many are leaving now who feel they can be of better service from this side. Their soul knows the plan. The ultimate battle between good and evil? No, more like love and hate.
“On Sunday, talk of love and peace, of creating a new reality. But you are not doing it in a vacuum. None of you are ever alone. You have a league of Angels cheering you on and guiding you. Accept their help. Do not doubt they are there. Their swords are the light of love piercing through the heart of man. Compassion!
“Russia has been warned before. ‘The time for war’ hidden in religious righteousness. China will be next. Work fast my children, with pure hearts. For only you, only love can save humanity. All will not be lost. For those innocents who perish will know great love. Others will have to face their own transgressions. Knowing, feeling, what you have inflected on others is punishment enough.
“Do not take part in angry protests. For the righteous are not right. Always stay on the side of peace; understand others, and send them love. Remember that darkness can only exist where there is no light. Be the light! Cast away the darkness! And pray for guidance – pray for help from the angelic realm. Pray for peace; that you will be the light in the darkness. Have gratitude for this opportunity. For you are the Warriors of the Light.
“You will be blessed. You are blessed. You are never alone, and you are loved. When you leave here, remember my words – shine the light of love and pray for peace. You cannot wait, the time is now. Go in peace and look for a sign to know this is true.
I see her dropping roses, so many roses. She says my sign will come today.
I opened my eyes, but I felt someone there. I closed my eyes and Jesus was there. He encouraged me, saying that I can do as his mother asks. I asked him about the nerve pain in my leg, as he is a great healer.
“Believe that you can heal yourself. Care for and love yourself as much as you do for others. There is some learning in that isn’t there?” He was gone.
Later that day I went to my friend’s metaphysical store to pick up some crystals. Her son has a shelf of stuff that he sells, and I always try to by something from him. This day he had a skull candle holder that was painted like a Day of the Dead sugar skull. I thought it would be a great addition to an October alter and bought it. A few nights later I was in bed and as I said my rosary and I remembered that I had not received my sign. I was disappointed.

Then I thought of the skull. I jumped up and yelled, “I DID get my sign!” I ran downstairs and found the skull on my dining room table still in the bag wrapped in paper. I unwrapped it and, yes! It had a red rose painted on it.
I love you Mother. I love you.